Steam your Favourite Shows
The TV operates through WiFi. To begin simply press the home button (a little house symbol).
It has all of the free to air Channels Pre-Loaded, ABC, 7+, 9Now, 10Play and SBS
Netflix, Stan and Several others are preloaded for you to use your home account.
Sign in to your home account. (Remember to Sign Out)
If you ever get lost simply push the home button to return to the Main Screen
Stream From Your Phone
You can also stream your favourite content from your phone, device or laptop through the built in cast or chrome-cast function. Connect to the Guest WiFi – Password FlashJacks and follow the instructions below.
Open the app on your phone or tablet, you will see the above symbol. Tap it and choose your room TV.
Your TV ID is your room number and the password is your room number eg “Room 1” is “1111”.